OJK Circular Letter 19/SEOJK.06/2023 on the Organization of LPBBTI (P2P Lending)
Key points from OJK CL 19.06/2023 that P2P Lending Operators, funding recipients and users in general should take note of.

ESG & Climate Change Update: Unveiling Indonesia's Roadmap for Carbon Trading in the Forestry Sector
In a significant step before COP 28, the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) issued a Ministerial Decree outlining the Forestry Sector Carbon Trade Roadmap, which will reshape the future of carbon trading in the forestry sector. This decree introduces the 'Forestry Roadmap,' a strategic plan to guide carbon trading activities toward a regulated and sustainable framework.

Licensing and Spin-Off Requirements of Sharia Units
In a significant regulatory development, the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK”) recently enacted an important regulation, addressing the separation and operation of Sharia unit within financial institutions, specifically within the banking sector.

Integration of Carbon Trading Requirement in Forestry Sector
The regulation provides the obligations and restrictions imposed toward the holder of Approval, Partnerships, and Business Licenses in the Environmental and Forestry Sector.

New Compliance on Passenger Vessel that Carries Containers
In this ARMA Update, we will look into the requirements, procedures, and other provisions of seaworthiness as stipulated in Seacomm CL 16/2023.

Mandatory Formation of the Violence Prevention and Handling Teams : Creating a Safe and Comfortable Educational Space in Indonesia
This ARMA Update will discuss key aspects in Regulation 46/2023, especially regarding the principles of preventing and handling violence in educational units, affected parties and categories of violence, as well as the mandatory establishment of TPPK in educational units.

Unraveling Indonesia’s New Export Policies: An Insight into Minister of Trade Regulation 23/2023
This ARMA Update will further discuss the heart of this regulation as well as exploring its implications.

Unlocking Talent: Mandatory Reporting of Job Vacancies to the Ministry of Manpower
This ARMA Update will further discuss key points of the PR 57/2023, including the procedure of the mandatory report of job vacancies, as well as the reward and administrative sanctions for employer on the implementation of the mandatory report.

Indonesia Introduces CCs and CCUS Regulations
Overview of MEMR Reg 2/2023, CCS/CCUS stages, and monetization methods.